Living as a citizen of God's Kingdom
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We need your help!

We are grateful that we could share these valuable lessons with you. We have offered everything for free, and we hope that the books have been a blessing and that you have discovered much about God's kingdom. Thanks to our financial partners and people who give one-off donations, it has been possible to reach you. Now we want to reach many more households with this e-book, we want to continue to bless you with other free education, and we want to find new ways to spread God's gospel.

But unfortunately, it costs a lot of money to offer everything for free. That's why I want to ask you if you would like to give something to bless others with the gospel of God. We are grateful for every one-time or monthly donation, and we look forward to all the families who will be reached and blessed by free education. On behalf of all partners and future readers, I say: thank you very much in advance!

And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)